Friday, August 23, 2013

One Year.

I can not believe how fast Audrina's first year went by. and No, I can't believe my tiny once newborn is One! This past year was for leaning and taking a step back to analyze the things that we have forgotten about. The welcoming of Audrina was very special to my family. The bond between our family glued harder, seeing Landen fall in love with this tiny human was something I am never going to forget(she is definitely a daddy's girl). Audrina not only brought our family closer, but she also made us realized how fast time goes by, so we acquired a whole different look on Dylan, we made sure we took advantage of every single thing he did while Audrina was tiny and didn't need much attention. As time went by my heart couldn't help but bursts watching the way Dylan cared for his little sister and how much she loves him. And the fact that Audrina grew knowing that he was there for her at the end of the day, to the point where Audrina can't sleep by her self.
This year was very rewarding as well as difficult at times, but becoming a family of four was the biggest blessing the Universe has given me. At the right time too. I love my Family, every single thing that it came from this amazing human being. Thank you Audrina for making us see the world with different eyes, for bringing our family closer and for loving us they way you do. WE love you sweetie.

To celebrate her fist year on this Earth, we had a little party for her. Here are some pictures of the party!!!

Chocolate vegan, gluten free cake that I made from scratch....
This is one is for you Johnny Boy!!(I've always wanted to say that)
I love these two, so freaking much!!!!

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